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50/50 CSS Puzzle

The following outer div should fill to 100% width (but not overflow) and have a 1em margin from the edge of the frame. The internal divs should have a 1em space between them, have exactly 1em space between their outer edges and the outer div, and split the outer div in half vertically. Each of the inner divs should extend vertically to entirely fill the outer div. Is this possible with CSS??

Egor Kloos (http://www.dutchcelt.nl/) provided a good rule of thumb:

You should always avoid padding, borders and or margins in any object where your width is critical.

What that means is that for any div where you set the width attribute (%, fixed, or whatever) always make sure you set all of margin, border and padding to 0. Then within that div, put another div that has the margin necessary to give you the effect you want..

Div with a little content

This div should be to the left of the other div

Chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices has gained a pinch of market share year over year against rival Intel in a market that seems to be improving.

Sunnyvale, Calif.-based AMD saw its market share in the second quarter of 2003 inch up to 15.7 percent, a tenth-of-a-point increase from the same period a year ago, according to statistics compiled by Mercury Research.

Intel, meanwhile, saw its market share slip to 82.5 percent in the second quarter, from 82.8 percent in the same period the year before. Other manufacturers, a grouping that includes Transmeta, increased their collective market share from 1.7 percent to 1.8 percent.

The big news for the quarter, however, is that the processor market appears to be on the rebound.

Microprocessor shipments were actually slightly below the norm in the second quarter. (PC shipments rose in the quarter, but sometimes the two markets aren't synchronized because of inventory overhand and shipment schedules). On the positive side, a record number of portable components were shipped--notebook chips sell for more than their desktop counterparts and are generally more profitable--and overall shipments also rose.

"There's a lot of evidence that the third and fourth quarters are both going to be growth quarters as they normally are, seasonally, and pretty good growth quarters at that," said Dean McCarron, principal analyst at Mercury.

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